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Christening (Baptism) is a sacred ceremony when we thank God for the gift of a child, they receive God’s blessing, and we welcome them into the Christian community. At The Church of the Good Shepherd we are pleased to offer this significant rite of passage full of beauty and symbolism.

People can be christened (baptised) at any age. Babies and younger children are christened with the promise from parents and godparents to bring them up knowing about God and being part of the community of Christians, the Church. Older children and adults make the promises of faith for themselves.


What To Expect

We will make an appointment to meet at a time to suit you, either at your home or in the church. We discuss the service, complete the Baptism application form and answer any questions you may have.  To arrange an appointment please contact us here.

Christenings are held either within the main 10 o’clock Sunday Service or at a separate service usually on Sundays at 12.30 pm. The service is free of charge with families invited to make a gift for the work of the church.



Beyond Christening

Baptism is the start of a journey of exploring faith for your child. Children of all ages are welcome at any service at the The Good Shepherd. Family services designed for all ages take place on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.

For babies and toddlers there are some play items at the back of church, and we understand that small children sometimes make some noise. For older children, there are activity boxes available, and also books and craft sheets on the childrens’ table.

When children are ready they can join our junior church, Church Explorers. Church Explorers is held on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday of the month (term time), during the 10 o'clock Sunday service in the church meeting room. The aim of Church Explorers is to encourage younger members of the local community to move forward in their level of Christian understanding, behaviour, beliefs and knowledge of God. Find out more about Church Explorers here.

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Give to The Church of the Good Shepherd

The Church of the Good Shepherd is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme which allows you to give to the Parish securely and safely online.

Simply visit our page on the Parish Giving website, or scan our QR code on your mobile device.​

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Get in Touch

The Church of the Good Shepherd

1 The Avenue, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 5AS

Parish Office: 01737 944 385

Vicarage: 01737 813 152

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Registered Charity No. 1137975

The Church of the Good Shepherd is also known locally as "The Good Shepherd" and "COGS".

©2024 The Church of the Good Shepherd

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