Thank you to everyone who helped at the Jumble Sale, setting up, at the event and clearing away afterwards. A special thank you to our trio of organisers Claire Jones, Emma Dixon and Antony Hawker supported by their families. They do a lot of work ‘behind the scenes’ to make the Jumble Sale the great success it is. In particular their work that goes into making the most of the left over jumble is a labour of love. News of how much money has been raised for the church will come next week.
The church heating has worked perfectly this week and the weather has warmed so we will be back to our cosy church tomorrow - well ‘cosy’ might be overegging it but we are blessed with a comfortable and attractive church. We held a funeral service in church yesterday (Friday) with over 180 people attending and thanks go to our Verger team, members of the choir who were able to come and sing on a weekday, and this week’s organist Robert Stewart for their contributions. Of course there are alternatives to a church service for all those key events – Christenings, Weddings and Funerals – but both the content of the church services and our church setting make them special and meaningful.
Services for 23rd February: 2nd Sunday before Lent
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Parish Communion Service: Jesus Calms a Storm
Church Explorers gather in the Meeting Room before the service.
Services & Events for Next Week
Wednesday 26th February at 10am: Mid-week Communion Service with coffee served afterwards
Sunday 2nd March
8am: Holy Communion
10am: The Family Service: God's Glory Revealed
This is our monthly main service without Holy Communion and is designed for people of all ages.
Junior Choir will sing at this service.
1pm: Parish Lunch for March. Please sign up in church by this coming Tuesday.
The Craft Group
Over the last few months a craft group has formed hosted by Michelle Liennard and meets on the first Saturday of the month from 9 am onwards at the back of church with a natural transition to the Saturday Café following. Currently the focus is on knitting and crochet and I am told there is a group project underway. Everyone is welcome to come and explore.
This is complementary to the long-running Knit-Wits group who knit squares for babies blankets.
Activities for Lent 2025
Ash Wednesday: 5th March at 7:30pm Choral Holy Communion with Ashing
Lent Lunches: Wednesdays 12th March—9th April (Meeting Room) 10.45 onward for coffee; 11.15 Seasonal Reflection; followed by a light lunch. Donations for lunch go to the Bishop’s Lent Appeal.
Explore the Core Beliefs of the Christian Faith over 5 weeks; helping us to understand and live out faith as followers of Jesus Christ.
Mondays 7.30 pm (online) from 10th March to 7th April
Thursdays 8.30 pm (Meeting Room) from 13th March to 10th April
Please sign up at the back of church to show your interest in these activities.
Model Railway Exhibition: 15th March in the Church Hall 10am to 4:30pm
If you can help to sell tickets on the door for an hour please will you sign the sheet at the back of the Church. In aid of Church Funds. There are posters to take to display.
Confirmation in 2025
We will be hosting a Confirmation Service for Reigate Deanery on Sunday 15th June at 5 pm. Confirmation preparation sessions for older children and for adults and will take place over six weeks on Sunday afternoons starting on May 4th. Please let Tim the Vicar know if you would like to prepare for Confirmation or if you have questions about what is involved.
Adults can also prepare by taking part in this year’s Lent Group. Thank you for those of you who have already told me about your interest in Confirmation.
Don't forget to check the Church Calendar for all our upcoming events!